Report Worker’s Compensation Claim to Employer’s WC carrier ASAP

On Behalf of | Dec 29, 2014 | Workers' Compensation

Happy holidays from Looking forward to handling Social Security, Workers’ Compensation and Long Term Disability Claims in 2015.

Always report your worker’s compensation injury to your employer and make sure the claim is forwarded to your employer’s worker’s compensation insurance carrier immediately.

I hear many stories involving an employer and employee who decide to ignore the worker’s comp carrier and handle the claim with the employer continuing to pay the employee’s lost wages and health insurance paying the medical bills. This does not end well. Usually, the employer does not realize the expenses involved and gets tired of paying before the claim is fully paid.

At the same time, the employee gets cut off at the worst time imaginable and never gets fully compensated.

Lastly, the worker’s compensation insurance carrier is not happy to get late notice of the claim and may deny on that basis.

Worker’s Comp cases are essentially insurance claims, and with all insurance claims it is essential to provide early notice to the insurance company you want to pay the claim.

Don’t let your employer talk you into bypassing their worker’s compensation insurance carrier.

Good luck in 2015!
