The Help You Need Obtaining Workers’ Compensation Benefits
The workers’ compensation system is meant to be a tremendous benefit for workers who are injured or stricken ill on the job. It provides compensation for medical expenses and lost wages. However, there are numerous roadblocks and challenges for someone seeking workers’ compensation benefits. Many people are denied the benefits they need. The most important thing you can do is hire an experienced lawyer who knows workers’ compensation law and has been through the process with clients before.
My name is Daniel A. Webb. My law firm, Daniel A. Webb, PA, handles all types of workers’ compensation claims for clients in Little Rock and the surrounding Arkansas areas. With more than 20 years of legal experience, I know how to navigate the complex legal landscape and help you overcome the numerous hurdles standing in the way of you getting the benefits you deserve and need. My goal is to provide effective legal service at a fair price for my clients who have suffered serious injuries and illnesses on their jobs in Little Rock.
Navigating A Complicated System
There are numerous steps along the way to obtaining your benefits:
- Reporting your injuries: As soon as you have been injured, it is critical to let your employer know right away. Find your company’s injury-reporting procedures and follow them to the letter.
- Obtaining a medical report: Most employers will send you to their preferred medical care providers for your initial injury assessment. However, employers usually prefer doctors who are likely to underestimate workers’ injuries so that claims can be denied or minimized. You have the legal right to obtain another medical opinion from the doctor of your choice. Make sure you do, as this could be the difference in obtaining adequate benefits.
- Filing your claim: The initial claim is critical. You have to fill out the forms in a certain way and include the appropriate medical language to eliminate any adequate reasons for denying your claim. Administrative errors in the initial claim filing cause many of the denied claims that arise.
- Appeals: If your claim is denied, there are numerous layers of appeal that you can follow. An experienced workers’ compensation lawyer can help you through the appellate process.
You should not try to handle any of these steps alone. I have the knowledge and experience to walk you through the entire process of obtaining your workers’ compensation benefits.
Call Me For A Free Consultation
I understand the challenges you are facing after a work-related injury, and I am here to help you. Call me at 501-406-3720 or contact me online to schedule your free initial consultation. I am dedicated to covering all the angles for you.