The world of social media has enabled many to keep in touch with friends, family, and colleagues from all around the globe. But what is often overlooked are its potential long-term implications for disability claims. Therefore, it's essential to understand the risks...
Social Security Disability
Will passive income affect your ability to get SSD?
When applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, the Social Security Administration will assess your eligibility based on a number of factors. One of these is your income. There is a limit to how much you can earn to qualify for disability benefits, and...
Can alcohol, drug abuse prevent you from being approved for SSDI?
When someone suffers a debilitating injury or illness, it’s all too easy to become addicted to pain medication. A serious addiction can worsen a condition or lead to additional health issues. Sometimes, people who already have a substance abuse issue involving drugs...
What are your options if your SSD is denied?
Applying for Social Security Disability (SSD) can be tedious and take a long time to complete. When you’ve been injured or have fallen ill and need an income, it can be hard to wait out the application process. It can be even more frustrating if you’ve filed the...
What’s the difference between SSD and SSI?
Maybe your disability is a chronic condition that has been plaguing you for years and is just now reaching the point where you find it impossible to keep working. Maybe your disability came on suddenly through a devastating illness or accident. Either way, you know...
Can I get SSD benefits if I have Parkinson’s disease?
We all want to be in great shape for as long as possible. Unfortunately, some people develop disabling conditions at some point in their lives that prevent them from being able to work and care for themselves and their families. This is where Social Security Agency...
Why would the SSA deny you Social Security Disability?
Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits offer a financial lifeline to millions of disabled Americans. While some of these applications get approved, a significant number end in rejection. If the SSA turns down your application, you need to know what went wrong, so...
How long will your disability last?
You have an illness or an injury that is creating a disability for you. You know that it's impossible for you to work at this time. You're interested in seeking benefits through the Social Security Administration. Your situation is very common, and you are certainly...
Can you get Social Security Disability for a mental illness?
Sometimes, life can be extremely difficult. You may have anxiety or be dealing with depression, have post-traumatic stress disorder from a work accident or another serious situation. Whatever the reason is, if you are dealing with a debilitating mental illness, you...
Are you prepared for your continuing disability review?
You should be prepared for periodic reviews of your disability if you have been receiving disability benefits from the Social Security Administration (SSA) for a condition that prevents you from working. The SSA uses these reviews to determine whether your condition...