Landing Pages
Blog Posts
- 2 benefits of having your disability insurance covered by ERISA
- 2 reasons cancer can qualify as a disability
- 3 causes of a workers’ comp claim denial
- 3 employer actions that could harm your workers’ comp claim
- 3 mistakes that can hurt your long-term disability claim
- 3 mistakes that can ruin a long-term disability claim
- 3 steps to take after a workplace accident in Arkansas
- 4 common accidents when working in a warehouse
- 4 professions with high workplace risks
- Appealing a denied ERISA claim
- Are you a retail worker who was injured on the job?
- Are you prepared for your continuing disability review?
- BEST - The Social Security Benefit Eligibility Screening Tool
- Can alcohol, drug abuse prevent you from being approved for SSDI?
- Can depression be a factor in a Social Security Disability claim?
- Can I get SSD benefits if I have Parkinson’s disease?
- Can treatment be a disability?
- Can you get Social Security Disability for a mental illness?
- Can you lose your CDL for infractions in your own car?
- Can you lose your CDL for using a handheld device?
- CDL Drivers need legal representation
- Common injuries in the nursing profession
- Common injuries suffered by factory workers
- Could a simple speeding ticket cost you your CDL?
- Court of Appeals
- Daniel A. Webb Law during the pandemic
- Details matter in workers’ compensation claims
- Different ways you can lose your CDL
- Disability Triangle Revisisted
- Do you have to pay back an LTD plan if you get SSDI?
- Do you qualify for disability benefits if you have mesothelioma?
- Does it matter if you were at fault for a workplace accident?
- Don't fall for these ERISA claim myths: What you need to know
- Don't procrastinate
- ERISA long-term disability benefits come with appeal rights
- Essential preparation tips for your traffic violation court date
- Even office workers can need workers’ compensation
- Even small mistakes can wreck your workers’ compensation claim
- Good News for Long Term Disability Claimants
- Happy New Year
- Has your workers’ compensation claim been denied?
- Hire Local Attorney for Social Security
- How can social media impact your long-term disability?
- How drunk driving charges differ when you have a CDL
- How ERISA impacts long-term disability insurance claims
- How long will your disability last?
- How to apply for Social Security Disability
- If you’re getting STD or LTD benefits, can you go on vacation?
- Important deadlines in the workers' compensation claims process
- Important Tip for CDL Drivers with Speeding Tickets
- Is construction really the most dangerous industry?
- Is it true that all SSDI applications get rejected at least once?
- Is the air at work causing you long-term harm?
- Is there a “magic age” for SSDI benefits?
- Is your employer liable for injuries during your commute?
- Long Term Disability (ERISA) how to avoid the trap
- Long Term Disability ERISA No fee on front benefits
- Long Term Disability Insurance (ERISA)
- Loss of a former friend/client
- Making a Claim for Workers' Compensation
- Many SSDI applicants get benefits when they appeal
- Merry Christmas 2017
- Most Important thing to know about Long Term Disability Insurance (ERISA)
- Most Important thing to know about Workers' Compensation
- New Location
- Proving that your accident happened at work
- Report Worker's Compensation Claim to Employer's WC carrier ASAP
- Risky Arkansas jobs and your options for injury compensation
- Social media can hurt your workers’ comp claim
- Social Security Administration Pushes Through Pandemic
- Social Security and Date Last Insured
- Social Security Disability Most Important Thing to Know Part 1
- Social Security Faster Hearing Dates
- Social Security Phone Hearings
- Social Security: Early retirement, disability or both.
- Social Security's new deadlines
- SSD claims and your online activity
- Steps to appeal a denied workers’ compensation claim in Arkansas
- Suggestions for managing wait time in Social Security claim
- The Disability Triangle
- There's a special disability rule for certain blue-collar workers
- Truckers Beware I-30 inspection station
- Truckers Welcome
- Try not to jeopardize workers’ compensation claim
- Understanding the offset provision in your LTDI policy
- What are your options if your SSD is denied?
- What benefits are available through a workers’ comp claim?
- What can cause your SSDI benefits to end?
- What does a disability lawyer do?
- What every trucker in Arkansas needs to know about tickets
- What is ERISA?
- What is the most important part of a disability claim?
- What is the statute of limitations in an AR workers’ comp claim?
- What's an ERISA case?
- What's your date last insured for Social Security Disability and why does it matter?
- What’s qualified as a long-term disability?
- What’s the difference between SSD and SSI?
- When's the best time to hire a lawyer for Social Security Case?
- Why employees shouldn't use health insurance for work injuries
- Why is drug testing often part of a workers' compensation claim?
- Why would the SSA deny you Social Security Disability?
- Will passive income affect your ability to get SSD?
- Worker's Compensation time and place
- Workers' Compensation Claims must be filed ASAP
- Workers’ compensation for injuries suffered remotely
- Working and Applying for Social Security Disability Insurance